Vizio Smart TV Apps

6 Best Apps for Vizio Smart TV

Want to know the best apps for your Vizio Smart TV? Then read on to know the six best Vizio Smart TV apps.

Here’s the deal:

Smart TV is a new way to experience great content on the internet with a larger screen. Vizio offers a variety of amazing Smart TVs that give you numerous entertainment. Now, to maximize your viewing experience much better, we curated a list that contains the best Vizio Smart TV applications.

The thing is…

I know a lot of Smart TV owners only use their TVs for watching TV shows since they have a hard time looking for apps. It takes too much time searching for compatible and easy to use apps, so they find it quite troublesome.

To be honest, I find it too much trouble to look for these apps as well, but I want to maximize the use of all of my gadgets. So, if you are just like me, then you will enjoy looking at this list. We curated a list containing the best apps we found that you can use for your Vizio Smart TV. Curious? Go ahead and see all the applications we found.

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Worthy Apps for Vizio Smart TV

Having a hard time looking for apps that you can access with your Vizio Smart TV? Worry no more, this list will show you all that you need to know.

Now, let’s get to it!

1. Netflix

Vizio App Netflix
Netflix Icon

Netflix is one of the most popular platforms to watch TV series and movies. So, it’s a cool thing that Vizio supports this app. With the Vizio Smart TV allowing this application in their devices, you will not need to watch on such a small screen anymore.

Vizio Smart TV Apps Netflix

Nifty, right?

This app offers series shown from the ’90s and lets you enjoy it at a bigger screen. Netflix has got some original series that they made for their users. It also gives users the chance to experience movies they were not able to see in the theaters.

And the best part? You can enjoy all these perks for free. Netflix offers a free month for first-time users. You can choose to pay the monthly fee after enjoying this promo.
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2. YouTube

Vizio Apps Youtube
YouTube Icon
Vizio Smart TV Apps YouTube

YouTube is a must-have app in any smart device you have and, obviously, for Vizio Smart TVs as well. It lets users enjoy a large amount of content made available to them based on the genre they like.

You can upload your content on this site and let other users enjoy your videos. You can also just watch videos from other users and connect with them using the comment section. Some artists and celebrities from around the globe also upload their content on this site, so you get to experience them.

The greatest thing about this app is you can enjoy all the videos you want for free. The downside is it has ads, but you can get rid of all that. You can avail of the ad-free version, but you have to pay for it. The good thing is YouTube is offering a free month trial for the ad-free version.
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3. Hulu

Vizio Apps Hulu
Hulu Icon
Vizio Smart TV Apps Hulu

Hulu is a movie streaming platform you can download on your smart devices. It gives users the chance to experience a wide variety of movies in the comforts of their homes. Amazing, right?

Users can also watch TV shows and re-experience them through the app. Hulu can even let you do this in offline mode since they offer a download feature. Just pick a movie or TV series you would like to watch in offline mode and download it. After the downloading process, you can now enjoy it whether you have WiFi or not.

The negative thing about this app is it has ads that you sometimes cannot skip. That’s a bummer for any app, right? But you can remove these ads if you avail of their ad-free plans. It will cost you much more than the plans they have that have ads though.
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4. Pluto TV

Vizio Apps Pluto TV
Pluto TV Icon
Vizio Smart TV Apps Pluto TV

Pluto TV a live TV streaming app you can get for free. This app has hundreds of genres of channels you can choose from. What’s more, you can watch live news on this app. Not only that, this app has movies that you can watch legally. They have licenses for all the contents they have, so you don’t need to worry about that.

Here’s the deal:

This app has some ads, but that’s understandable since users are not even required to give credit card details to use their platform. That’s quite a deal if you’re trying to find an app that would offer movies and TV series for free.
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5. Yahoo! Sports

Vizio Apps Yahoo Sports
Yahoo! Sports Icon

If you are a sports fan, this app is a must for you. This app is from Yahoo! and it allows users to watch live streams of games they may not be able to watch on live TV. It also lets users rewatch games they may have missed. It lets you watch the NBA, NFL, and soccer.

Vizio Smart TV Apps Yahoo Sports

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6. Sony Crackle

Vizio Apps Sony Crackle
Sony Crackle Icon
Vizio Apps Sony Crackle

Sony teamed up with Soul Entertainment to create this streaming app. Its contents consist of TV series and movies. They also release original content on this app, so if you are tired of the usual series and movies, this is the app for you.

This app gives users a chance to watch all its content for free. It does come with ads since the company still has to earn from this app, but that’s still a good deal. And if you cannot stand the ads you can always buy the ad-free version.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Vizio Smart TV download apps?

Yes. There are already some apps that are pre-installed in Vizio Smart TVs like Netflix, YouTube, and Hulu. But aside from these apps, you can still get other applications.

How to download apps on a Vizio Smart TV?

1. Connect your Vizio Smart TV to the internet.
2. Click the V button on your remote control.
3. Hover using the arrow key buttons to click the Yahoo! TV store or the CTV store.
4. Click the OK button on your remote to explore the app store.
5. Look for the app you want to download and click the install button.


The best part about owning a Vizio Smart TV is you can do more than just watching TV shows. You can install apps that you can usually download on your smartphones. Now, looking for great apps for your TV is hard. So, in creating this list, our only goal is to help you find the most suitable apps for you.

Did you find the best apps for your Vizio Smart TV on this list? Let us know by leaving a comment down below.
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