How to Use Do Not Disturb Feature on Android

How to Use Do Not Disturb Feature on Android in 2022

How to use Do Not Disturb feature would be a myth at the early stage of the Android phones…

When Android phones first became available, they didn’t have the “Do Not Disturb” feature. Back then, we simply had vibrate-only and silent modes. These modes were accessible by turning the device volume all the way down. Those were the good times.

Reminds me of those days whenever I start my gaming sessions. Silencing my phone was so simple. I even bought a “Do Not Disturb, I’m Gaming” sign on Amazon and hang it on my door.

Things changed when Google released Lollipop, an Android OS version. With Android Lollipop, Google removed the silent mode from the volume and added a new feature called “Do Not Disturb,” a feature that gives you different options for silencing your phone. It also enables you to schedule when the feature should be active. Here is how to use Do Not Disturb feature on Android.

Must Read: 

4 Best Android Do Not Disturb Apps

“Do Not Disturb” Android: Silence notifications

4 Best Android Do Not Disturb Apps

Now, with the latest Android phones on the market, the “Do Not Disturb” feature comes with more options than ever before.

Android’s “Do Not Disturb” Feature

Android’s “Do Not Disturb” feature, in a sense, is technically the opposite of the “Alarm” feature. With Android’s “Alarm,” you can set to schedule a reminder for yourself of important notes. With Do Not Disturb Android, you can configure and schedule your phone to set itself to silent mode with a few exemptions.

How to Use Do Not Disturb Feature on Android

android phones white table during meeting
Silencing Phones on Meeting is now easier-How to Use Do Not Disturb

Android’s “Do Not Disturb” is fairly easy to use and understand. Once you get the hang of it, it will be easy as Android Pie. Get the pun? Android…Pie? — Here’s how you can use Android’s “Do Not Disturb” feature.

  1. Accessing ‘Do not disturb”
  2. Enabling ‘Do not disturb’
  3. Scheduling active times
  4. Advanced settings

1. Accessing “Do Not Disturb”

There are two ways you can access this feature: by swiping down the quick menu or by phone settings.

Do Not Disturb Android Swipe Down Menu
Android Swipe Down Menu-How to Use Do Not Disturb

On your Android phone, swiping down on the display will reveal the quick menu. Within the quick menu, you will find the “Do Not Disturb” feature. It’s the one with the Moon Crescent Icon. Tapping this will activate this feature. Whether if you have configured it or not, it will activate with the default settings or with your configured settings.

do not disturb phone settings sound
Android Sound Settings UI-How to Use Do Not Disturb

The second way to access this feature is through your phones’ settings. Under the “Sound” tab, you will find the option “Do not disturb.”

2. Enabling “Do Not Disturb”

Similar to the above, you can enable this feature on the swipe down quick menu or via the phone settings. From the swipe down menu, tap the “Do Not Disturb” icon to activate it.

From the phone settings, simply tap “Sound” then tap “Do not disturb.” Under the “Do not disturb” interface, tap “Enable Now” to activate it.

The only difference between these two (2) methods is that — the quick menu is faster to access but you will need to go to the phone settings if you want to configure this feature.

3. Scheduling Active Times

Like an alarm clock, you can set a date and time to automatically activate this feature. Within this option, you can select the day, date, and time of when this feature should be active and not.

Do not disturb android during events
During Events Option-How to Use Do Not Disturb

The “During events for” is a where you can set a specific calendar as a basis of this features scheduling activity. Within these settings, you can choose between three choices.

  • Any Calendar – This option is for using all your calendars on every account linked to your phone such as email, outlook, and phone calendar.
  • Phone – This option is for using the Phone’s calendar.
  • Linked Email Accounts – This option is for using the calendar of your linked accounts such as Gmail calendar, Yahoo calendar, and more.
do not disturb android reply event invite
Invited Event Reply-How to Use Do Not Disturb

The next option is setting a reply to invite events. You can configure this feature to either answer with:

  • Yes – every calendar invite will automatically be accepted. This will also schedule the “Do Not Disturb” feature to be active during those events.
  • Yes or Maybe – will ask for your answer. If you answer with “Maybe,” the system will ask you if you want to schedule the “Do Not Disturb” to be active for the said event.
  • Yes, Maybe, or Not Replied – gives you the option to not reply to invites.
do not disturb phone android feature add new
Add New Option-How to Use Do Not Disturb

Conveniently, if you ever need more settings for the “Time” or “Event,” you can opt to select “Add new.”

4. Advanced Settings

This is the part where the “Do Not Disturb” feature gives you flexibility and more options. The advanced settings have two options: the “Do not disturb mode” and the “Define priority interruptions.”

Do not disturb mode

do not disturb mode android
Do Not Disturb Mode-How to Use Do Not Disturb

The “Do Not Disturb Mode” is basically an option of allowing some features to push through when the “Do Not Disturb” feature is active. You have three options and those are:

  • Allow only priority interruptions – An option to either accept calls and messages from whitelisted contacts.
  • Alarms only – Option for your phone to make sound from scheduled alarms.
  • Don’t interrupt – Basically prevents your phone from making any form of sound or vibration.

Define Priority Interruptions

do not disturb android phone define priority interruptions
Define Priority Interface-How to Use Do Not Disturb

Under this option, you can whitelist important contacts that will allow your phone to ring or notify you with messages even if the “Do Not Disturb” feature is active. You can either select a group of contacts or hand-pick the important ones.

Furthermore, one extra feature can be found under this option. It is the “Repeated Calls” feature. This feature, if enabled, will ring your phone if a non-whitelisted contact attempts to call you twice within three minutes.

Suggested reads:

8 ways to fix the “Do Not Disturb” feature that keeps turning on

4 methods to fix Do Not Disturb that’s not working on Android

How to Activate Do Not Disturb While Driving on Android

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Use Do Not Disturb

What happens if someone calls you while your phone is set to Do Not Disturb?

Incoming calls are routed directly to your voicemail, there won’t be any sound or vibration, and your lock screen will remain dark.

What happens when you put someone on Do Not Disturb?

When turned on, it mutes all incoming notifications, calls, and texts on an iPhone (or iPad, for that matter), keeping you from being awakened or distracted when you need to be left alone. It is beneficial for the individual using the mode, but it is less pleasurable if you are unable to use it.

Is blocking the same as do not disturb?

Even though the person you’re phoning is genuinely in Do Not Disturb mode, you could occasionally mistakenly believe that you’ve been banned. When someone has this mode turned on, neither you nor they are notified when you try to call or send them a message.

Final Words-How to Use Do Not Disturb

Android’s “Do Not Disturb” feature is a kind of feature that is not necessarily for everyone. Some may prefer to simply silence their phones during important events while others find this feature convenient in their everyday busy life. Regardless if you use this feature or not, this article is for those who are new to this feature and plan to use it.

If you have some tips or suggestions in using Android’s “Do Not Disturb” feature that you would like to share, do let us know in the comment section below!

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