tab group in chrome
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How to disable tab groups in Chrome on Android

What are tab groups in Chrome?

Typically, there are two types of people in the world: those who make a mess of the tabs on Chrome browser and those who don’t. No matter in which group you fall, tab groups on Chrome can help you stay organized and have a better browsing experience. 

Google announced the tab groups feature in May 2020 for users to stay organized in browsing. The tab groups allow you to put all the relevant tabs to one place and give the group a custom name and color. 

For instance, while working, you may want to group your tabs grouped based on the priority of completion as Today, This Week, or Later. While looking out for cool headphones online, you may want to sort them by sites, and so on and so forth. 

However, this feature did not go down well with many people who like to see all the tabs open right in front instead of hiding inside groups on Android . Tab groups might be confusing to them and locating them by the icons is an easier and quicker way to go.  

Disabling tab groups in Chrome on Android isn’t so obvious among the Chrome users but the good news it is possible. You can arrange the tabs in the same ol’ fashion before the tab groups feature was launched with a simple trick. 

Read on to know how to disable tab groups in Chrome on Android!


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Step by step guide to disable tab groups in Chrome on Android

Follow these simple steps to disable tab groups in Chrome on Android.

Step 1: Open the Chrome app on your Android

Step 2: Open a new tab and paste this address in the omnibar and hit enter: chrome://flags/#enable-tab-grid-layout

chrome flags address

Step 3: It will open the flags page of Google Chrome. Here you will find the text ‘Tab grid layout’ highlighted in yellow. 

tab grid layout

Step 4: Tap on the dropdown menu by hitting Default. 

tap the dropdown

Note: Do not change any other settings on the flags page other than the tab grid layout. Google warns against enabling these features as they may clear your browser history and your privacy could take a hit. 

Step 5: Select ‘Disabled’ from the options displayed. 

select disabled

Step 6: Finally, hit ‘Relaunch’ at the bottom right corner of the screen. 

This will change the tab settings in Chrome and it will be back to the older vertical swipe feature. If you want to enable the tab groups and grid view, go to the flags page and select Default or Enabled from the dropdown under Tab grid layout. 

Now, if you are not aware of how to create tab groups on your desktop or Android, read on to know that as well. 

Creating tab groups on Desktop

To create a Chrome tab group on the desktop, follow these steps. 

Step 1: On the Chrome browser on your desktop with multiple tabs open, right click on the tab you would like to group. 

Step 2: Select Add tab to a new group 

Step 3: Now, give a name to the tab group based on its purpose and give it a custom color based on your preference. 

Check out this pro tip from Google on naming a tab group.

“My pro tip is that you can use an emoji as a group name such as ❤️ for inspiration or 📖 for articles to read. Tab groups are customizable so you can decide how to use them. And just like regular tabs, your groups are saved when you close and reopen Chrome.”

Naming your tab groups with emojis completely makes sense as it will help you quickly access them without having to read the alphabetical name. 

Step 4: New tab group will be created. You can add more relevant tabs to the group by dragging and dropping the tabs to the group. The outline of the group will extend as far as the tabs added to the group. 

But how do you remove a tab  from a group? Well, you can remove any tab from the group by right clicking on the tab and selecting Remove from group. You can also move the tabs to a new group by hitting the Add tab to new group option. 

Creating tab groups on Android

Creating a tab group on Android is really simple. On your chrome browser, tap the + icon on the top left corner. Now, long press a tab and drag and drop it over another tab with which you want to group it. The two tabs will be added in a group. To add more tabs in the group, just drag and drop them to this group. 

When you open any tab in the group, you will see other tabs in the group on the bottom of the screen adjacent to each other. 

To view the tabs in the group, just tap the arrow on the bottom right corner of the tabs panel. To add a new tab to the group, simply tap the plus icon on the bottom right corner. To remove a tab from the group, hit the close (x) button. 

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Disable Chrome tab groups

You can do a lot with tab groups in Chrome on Android and desktop. While the tabs grouping feature was brought to ease the browsing experience of users, it did certainly help most people while most others preferred the simplified version of tabs view. 

Disabling tab groups isn’t an arduous task and you can comfortably disable the feature from the flags page of Chrome. Google also offers customization of tab groups by adding a custom name and color.

Try out this trick to disable the tab groups right away. I hope I brought some value to your Android usage and browsing experience. Have any questions? Don’t forget to leave them in the comments section below. Until next time, take care and stay safe! Cheers!

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