Introduction - Chromecast

How to Set up Chromecast Using your Android Phone: A Beginner’s Guide

Let’s get this straight: It’s easy to set up Chromecast but it’s also confusing for many people. To be honest, we got a little confused as well, but don’t worry because we’ve got it all figured out.

Most probably, you are here because you got yourself a Google Chromecast. To be honest, that one’s a great buy!

Now, if you don’t own one and you’re still planning to buy one, we suggest reading our Chromecast review first to know if it’s the right device for you!

Although the device comes with an instruction sheet upon purchase, it’s not enough for some people out there since it’s not that beginner-friendly.

But don’t you worry! We got you covered! Here, we will teach you how to set up your Chromecast, step by step!

To start with, all you need is your Chromecast device, Android phone, and a TV with an HDMI outlet. Also, make sure that your phone is connected to the WiFi.

Are you ready to set up your Chromecast? Because we are! And we’re ready to guide you all the way!

Check out our tutorial! And if you’re still confused about how to set it up properly, refer to our step-by-step process down below!

How To Set Up Chromecast Using Android Phone

Did you get confused with the video? No worries, we’ve listed down the methods on how you can connect your Chromecast to your Android phone.

1. Plugging It In

Set Up Chromecast - Plug to TV
The device needs to be plugged into the TV

This part is easy! All you have to do is to find where the television’s USB and HDMI ports are located and plug the Chromecast device in.

If your TV doesn’t have a USB connector in the back, maybe it’s a smart TV and if so, you don’t need a Chromecast for it anymore because most smart TVs today have Bluetooth functions that can be easily connected with your phone.

2. Change Television’s Source

Set Up Chromecast - Source Button
Find the remote control’s ‘SOURCE’ button

Since you want your television to project something aside from your regular TV function, you should then change the input source of your TV to the one where Chromecast is connected. (The HDMI source.)

Some televisions have more than one HDMI ports, make sure to choose the port where you plugged the Chromecast device.

Reminder: The Chromecast device doesn’t get you any channels or streaming services of its own. You need to get those apps on your Android device first in order to cast them on your TV.

3. Download the Google Home App

Set up Chromecast using the Google Home App

The Google Chromecast device works together with the easily-downloadable Google Home app. You can download and install it on almost any Android phone or tablet.

After downloading, you need to open the app, accept its terms, and sign in on your Google account to make use of the app and the device as well.

Google Play

4. Setting Up

Now, bear with us as the next couple of steps will take a few minutes of your time. But don’t worry, We’ll guide you through it!

  • Grab your phone and open the Google Home App
  • Tap the “+” button on the upper left corner of the screen.
    • This button will allow you to add and manage devices.
Set Up Chromecast - Add and Manage Buton
Tap on the Plus button

  • Set up the Chromecast device.

Just like any other smart home device, you have to place the Chromecast in a “virtual” room. To do this:

  • Click “Set up device.
  • Then, click “Set up new devices in your home.
Set Up Chromecast - Set Up Device
  • Set up your home

If you already own a smart home device, you may skip this part. But, if this is your first smart home device, you need to set up your home. Follow these steps:

  • Click the “+” button to add a home
  • Give your house a name and make it a home! You also need to type in your address.
Set Up Chromecast - Set Up Your Home

5. Find Your Chromecast Device

  • Enable GPS or Location Services

In setting up the device, enabling your location is essential. Why? Because it is the only way for Google to know if there is a smart home device near you.

Set Up Chromecast - Enable Location Services
  • Wait for it to find your device.

Once the GPS is open, the app will now find the smart home device that is nearest to your location.

  • Press “Yes
Set Up Chromecast - Find the Device
  • Connect to Chromecast

Now that the app recognizes the Chromecast device, its time to connect it to your phone.

Set Up Chromecast - Connect to Chromecast

6. Connect Your Phone to TV

Now that you’re connected, and the app recognizes your Chromecast device, it’s time to connect it to your television!

Setting up chromecast
Connect to TV
  • Confirm the Code

A code will be displayed on your TV screen. Be sure that the code on your Android device is the same as the one flashed on your television screen. This way, you can avoid casting your screen on the wrong TV.

Set Up Chromecast - TV Passcode
  • Set up your “room.”

Set up a room in the Google Home app. This will let you manage your smart home devices easily. Now, if you already have an existing room for the device’s location, you can skip this step and choose that room instead.

Set Up Chromecast - Set Up Room

7. Connecting to Wi-Fi

Your phone needs to be connected to the internet for it to cast any app using Chromecast.

  • Choose your Wi-Fi network.
  • Type in the password
Set Up Chromecast - Connect to Wifi

8. Cast Your Screen to TV

After all these steps, you should see the Chromecast device all set up in your room. To cast the phone screen to TV, you just need to follow these easy steps:

  • Click on the Chromecast device

It is possible to have more than one Chromecast device in one room. Choose the one you’re using.

Set Up Chromecast - Home
  • Click the cast screen button.

Click the cast button, permit the app to cast your screen, and enjoy watching!

Set Up Chromecast - Device

Chromecast Supported Apps

The Chromecast itself doesn’t have apps installed in them. You have to install apps on your phone first and cast it to your TV screen. Basically, your phone serves as the remote control for the Chromecast device.

If you’re wondering which apps are compatible with Chromecast, Google Play store made it easy for you! Simply search for ‘Google Cast Apps’ on Google Play and it will recommend you some apps! Or simply click on the button below!

Google Play

Cast 4K Videos with the Chromecast Ultra!

Chromecast Ultra

Chromecast Ultra
Stream 4K Videos

It’s everything good with the Chromecast, and more. The Chromecast Ultra supports 4K ultra HDTVs with HDR. The device automatically optimizes what you’re casting for the quality viewing experience.

You can watch Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, and many other streaming sites on 4K resolution. Check out the Chromecast Ultra on Amazon!

More on Google Chromecast

How to set up Google Chromecast with hotspot or mobile data?

Unfortunately, setting up Google Chromecast requires a stable internet connection. On this note, the device will not allow you to set it up over mobile data or by using a mobile hotspot.

Can I set up Chromecast without Wi-Fi?

The answer is NO. You can only set up Google Chromecast over Wi-Fi because it needs to be updated and connected to the internet without interruption.

Can you set up Chromecast on multiple devices?

Yes, you can! The best part about it is that you don’t need to go through the setting up process every time! You only need to set it up with a single Google Home account and log in this account to multiple phones or tablets.  Also, you can use a single Chromecast device with multiple TVs.

How to set up Chromecast on TV?

Step 1: Plug it in your television
Step 2: Change TV’s Input Source
Step 3: Download and Open the Google Home App
Step 4: Setting it up on your home
Step 5: Connect the app to your Chromecast device
Step 6: Connect to Wi-Fi
Step 7: Cast Your Screen

Set Up The Google Chromecast

If you want to take your TV viewing experience to the twenty-first century, Chromecast is the way to go! This device will help you sift through the content you want to watch, using your smartphone as a remote. Your huge TV screen and its loudspeakers will help you enjoy and benefit from your content much more than before.

Most of us have a phone or tablet at our fingertips throughout the day, so this is quite a convenient option for those who want to sit back and relax, watching youtube on their big screen.

The Google Chromecast is an excellent gift for anyone who simply wants to catch up on their favorite shows more comfortably. No more hunting for the remote or waiting around; get the Google Chromecast right now, and this smart tech will be all you need!

Already have a Chromecast? Share your experience in the comments, or share this post with your friends on Facebook and Twitter!

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