
5 Must-Have Android Apps for Housewives to Simplify Life

Being a housewife or househusband is a full-time job, and not that 8 hours a day one. This job goes on 24/7; at least until your kids are married and even then you only get a relaxation of 12 hours a day. Thankfully there are some great Android apps for housewives that can help in better time management and house making.

We have the utmost respect for homemakers in our lives. They keep our house beautiful and tummies full. In modern society, anyone can be a house maker, but that doesn’t matter for this list as it can be used by a stay at home super dad as well as a warrior mom. Even if you don’t have kids yet, the list can help you in managing your home expenses and budget well.

Disclaimer: I’m a lazy person and usually don’t do house chores. I don’t keep a budget and usually, end up broke near the end of the month. Thankfully, I have the guidance of my parents with me, and the tips written here, come directly from them. For future reference, if my advice is not about gaming or Android, take it with a grain of salt.

Note: The apps were tested on a Sony Xperia Z smartphone and an Asus tablet. The apps worked fine and no problems were faced during testing. Some of the apps require an active internet connection to work properly.

1. Houzz Interior Design Ideas

I’m one of the few men who love visiting IKEA and just roam the pre-made rooms they have on display. I usually don’t have any intention of purchasing those adult jigsaw puzzles myself, but boy, do they look clever. I’m pretty sure you know what I’m talking about, especially the ladies reading this.

Now, take that feeling of wonder and awe and make an app of it, you will get Houzz Interior. This is an interior design app that allows you to expand your horizons and make your house a home. Your home is an extension of yourself, so make it the way you want it to be. Don’t worry about your spouse, they just don’t stay in the house as long as you do.

The app has a clean interface and allows you to see amazing looking décor ideas and even have a nifty shop. However, after looking at the prices, I would suggest you research the market first. Some items seemed inappropriately expensive to me. But hey! What do I know about coffee tables?

Free Version

2. Alarmy (Sleep If U Can)- alarm

If you have kids then you must know the pain of getting up in the morning. Getting your kids ready for school is one of the most important and time crunching jobs you have. Thankfully we have an amazing alarm app to make sure you wake up before the kids. Alarmy is one of the best alarm apps for Android and it should be on your smartphone, as soon as possible.

The interface, the features, and the ability to wake you up on time make it a must-have Android app for housewives. If you are a sound sleeper or a dribble sleeper (goes back to sleep after the alarm), then Alarmy has some interesting features for you. You can select the photo mode which only shuts the alarm off when you take a particular picture.

It works really well and can help you reach the bathroom in 2 seconds. Otherwise, your spouse will kick you off the bed, which indecently works just as well.

Free Version

3. Daily Expenses

Running a home is not easy, but managing funds is really hard. Take it from me, a person who has virtually zero responsibilities, a handsome salary, and rent-free housing and I still end up broke more often than I like to admit. Daily Expenses is a simple budgeting app for Android that will allow you to make sure your kids don’t go hungry. It can easily track your income and expenses and can even arrange them in simple categories.

I highly recommend this app to someone who is new to adulthood, even if they are not a homemaker yet. A penny saved is a penny earned, in our world, I recommend saving 50 dollars to actually have some purchasing power instead of spare change, though. Daily Expenses can help you manage your income well and in the long run, allow you to purchase things you actually need. I’m using the app to save for a new monitor, though.

Free Version

4. Our Groceries Shopping List

This is a simple grocery app that allows you to remember eggs on the way back home. But that is not why it is listed here. Many couples these days work as well as run homes together. Sometimes miscommunication results in 4 cartons of milk instead of the usual 2.

Our Groceries is a great app that can be used by the family. Install it on everyone’s smartphone and the app will sync the changes to any grocery list. This way momma can make the list and forward it to all of the participants, the members in return can check off items they have bought on the way home. This way you can get the yogurt you all like and still get the cereal from the big store.

The app also has a clean interface and intuitive controls, you will have no trouble at all sharing information with your family on the go.

Free Version

5. Allrecipes Dinner Spinner

Now that you have managed almost everything else, you can get to cooking quality meals. Cooking is a big part of daily tasks a housewife has to perform and Allrecipes is a nice way of adding spice to daily meals. From amazing looking pasta to mouthwatering cakes, you can easily make anything you want with this great app.

It is one of my personal favorite ones, not because I like to cook but because I love to eat. I usually pick a dish that looks phenomenal and asks my mom to make it. Of course, I have to use the previous app to go grocery shopping myself for the exotic ingredients but Allrecipes makes the effort seem worthwhile.

Free Version


These were some of the Android apps for housewives and homemakers that can help in day to day chores. The apps will enable you to shave off time from your daily routine and just take a break yourself.

If you have any questions or concerns about the apps, feel free to sound them in the comments below.

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  1. “Housewives”? Really? This isn’t the 1950s dude!

    Clever apps perhaps for anyone to help manage one’s home life, but I suggest using just this term alone in your email promo Subject line and as the header for this web promo page is a big mistake. While using “Homemakers” instead would have at least been an improvement, it would have been far better to come up with something like “5 Must Have Android Apps to Manage a Busy Home” => and as this is a bit dull, being the resourceful fellow you clearly are, I’m sure you could find a spicier yet not sexist, archaic, ridiculous, outdated (shall I go on?) way thought it through further.

    A Guy Who Was Born in the 50s

    1. Hey Ben,

      Thanks for pointing that out man. However if you just read the very first like of the article, you would know I was aware of this 😀

      I get your point about the topic selection, but lets be honest, almost a fraction of people would search for best apps for house husbands. I dedicated almost 2 paras on distancing the content from the name though, do give it a read.

      A 90’s kid.

      1. I never would have found this list otherwise. My search was specifically “Best apps for housewives”.
        I’m a stay at home mom but my kids are 18, 21, and 23. (All students – 1 still in high school) and all the SAHM apps include the craziness of parenting little ones. Other time management apps are geard more toward the business world. What I need is an app for home management and the ADHD wife. I’ve tried many but haven’t found a good fit yet. Thank you Billa for your honest reviews. Very helpful when searching for that perfect fit. Keep the name! After all, I am a wife and I (try to) manage my household.?
        ~ A 70’s kid.

  2. Ya ditto. Although i am a new housewife with a 8 year old step daughter and a 3 year old son. I have just become a House Wife, devoting my time, energy, and (over half the time ) patience to my Husband, Children, and home. I love the app’s here because i have always been a fast food, what every you want is fine with me kind of gal. Now i have to organize the new house we moved into (no ideal about styles or organizing) cook meals that are healthy and inexpensive, as well as do courses i never even thought about before. (Is spring cleaning a real thing i mean really how many peaple actually spring clean?) Any way aside from the cooking app being a little pricey I love all the other apps. expecially the Army alarm trust me it works very very very well.

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