Avast's releases free ransomware decryptor tool for TargetCompany victims

Avast’s releases free ransomware decryptor tool for TargetCompany victims

Good news for the TargetCompany victims, Avast, a Czech cybersecurity software company has released a free decryptor tool to help the ransomware victims recover their files for free.

Also known as the Tohnici ransomware gang, TargetCompany has wreaked havoc on its victims –– companies and consumers alike –– and was first spotted last June 2021.

Now, Avast has created the decryptor tool offering it to the victims to help them recover their files without having to pay for the ransom.

However, the company warns: the decryptor tool can only be used to recover encrypted files “under certain circumstances.”


Free decryptor tool for TargetCompany victims

Avast is offering a free decryptor tool for TargetCompany victims to help them recover their files without paying the hefty ransomware.

But, just like any other free tool, the decryptor’s features are limited. Moreso, Avast says that victims who want to recover their files should be aware that this will likely be a resource-intensive and time-consuming process too.

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“During password cracking, all your available processor cores will spend most of their computing power to find the decryption password. The cracking process may take a large amount of time, up to tens of hours,” Avast said.

Free decryptor tool for TargetCompany victims
Free decryptor tool for TargetCompany victims

“The decryptor periodically saves the progress and if you interrupt it and restart the decryptor later, it offers you an option to resume the previously started cracking process.”

This is how the decryptor works…

The ransomware decryptor works by cracking the password after comparing an encrypted file together with the original unencrypted version.

According to Avast, this process only has to be done once per device encrypted by TargetCompany ransomware since the decryptor wizard only allows you to enter previously cracked encryption passwords by selecting the “I know the password for decrypting files.”

Avast decryptor comparing encrypted and unencrypted files
Avast decryptor comparing encrypted and unencrypted files

“On the final wizard page, you can opt-in whether you want to backup encrypted files. These backups may help if anything goes wrong during the decryption process,” Avast added.

“This option is turned on by default, which we recommend. After clicking ‘Decrypt,’ the decryption process begins. Let the decryptor work and wait until it finishes.”

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If you have been one of the victims of the TargetCompany ransomware, you can download the decryption tool from Avast’s servers (64-bit or 32-bit) in order to decrypt entire disk partitions using the instruction displayed within the tool’s user interface.

Furthermore, Avast provided additional instructions on how to use the TargetCompany ransomware decryptor. Just click here.

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